A friend with ears

I realized that each friends of mine is suitable for different conditions.  I've known P'Poo as long as I've known Ashtanga yoga as we are in the same class; though yoga teachers come and go, we're still practicing together.  Now we no longer need yoga to bond us, but it does give us opportunities to meet. 

The other day, I was having a faith crisis, and I didn't really know whom to vent it out with.  That person had to be familiar with my teacher and knew what troubles are going on.  And P'Poo pop into my head.  After the talk, I felt better immensely as I found that I wasn't alone.  And I wasn't weird or being ingratitude to feel the way I felt. 

P'Poo likes cooking, crafts, stationery and fine living, all of which are what I also enjoy.  I don't feel that I have to hold back or watch out for my mouth when I talk about stuff that an average Thai person would not care, e.g., fine papers with very high cotton content, difference between sifting flour with salt and not doing it.  I don't want other people to feel offended or think I'm snooty (though I am, in many respects, essentially a snob).

Lately (as in last Friday), I've been into knitting.  Many friends have made crocheted or knitted hats for monks and I didn't do it because I know how rare my patience is.  I bought lovely yarns for them so they could make stuff for me, and I realized, hey, I should do it myself so I can hand make stuff for myself and people I like.   While not finishing my very first scarf project yet (let's hope I do), I have eyed other yarns and imagine what I should make out of them (my current goal is to make a sweater).  My scarf yarn is so soft and esthetically pleasing, color-wise, that I enjoy seeing it while knitting (at least for now).  With P'Poo, I can talk about knitting excitement as she is a knitting expert.  Who else would enjoy hearing it?  (Perhaps, she doesn't but too polite to let it show)

I also like the fact that P'Poo is motherly warm.  Though she expresses herself straightforwardly, she is not offensive.  I feel I can tell her what I think, and she'd listen without imposing her opinion on me.  I find that the ability to listen attentively and without judgement is missing in many people, me included, in many occasions.  Her being forthright is relaxing as I know that I don't have to pretend (Have I ever?) or I have to exercise my brain power to interpret what she says.

Lastly, because P'Lek, her husband, is a captain for Thai Airways, P'Poo is essentially my means to buy otherwise expensive cosmetics, Lululemon, and brand-name goods.  P'Lek has become my stylist for yoga clothes; more than 75% of my yoga wears are bought by him. 

Anyhow, P'Poo, after writing so much about myself, I just want to express my appreciation for being there for me ja.
