Happiness money can't buy

This past few days seem to be choke full with stuff that I hadn't done but got to do. P'Lek signed up for me to volunteer for the Laung Por Pramote's dhamma talk at Baan Aree. Generally, I won't even attend to such events as it is very crowded, and I get to see him once a week in Sriracha anyway. But I agreed to it precisely because it went against my habits.

Anyhow, I had to get there at 6 AM, and my job was called a PR (closer to a security guard than a PR), making sure that people stay where they're supposed to, giving directions and answering questions. Thank goodness, P'Mai, the Baan Aree's director, gave the staff cute cowboy hats so I don't have to put up with an ugly baseball cap that I thought we would have to wear (my shallowness crept in nonetheless).

I was amused at myself and felt a little ironic while doing this job. There I was, this spoiled rich kid who does zero house work, got up at 5 AM on Sunday to serve other people. I am generally at a receiving end of things (except for education). Even at school, being a professor means that there are students or the department staff who do stuff for me. Luckily, I didn't run into people who gave me a hard time. They understood and obeyed the Baan Aree guidelines. And it was kind of fun to help people out. Most of them came to listen to his teaching and paid attention. I was very impressed.

Today was the first time that I noticed that being happy kind of makes me lose my awareness. Like I am floating on the cloud. I don't detest happiness but I feel I don't like it and thus hold on to it as much as I was before.
