Ying as a mad dog

It’s getting to that time of the month again where I get agitated easily. I once thought Buddism is sexist because the scripture says that, with everything else being equal, men are luckier (มีบุญมากกว่า) than women. Finally I agree that it is indeed the case.

The cited reasons are: men have no menstrual cycles; men do not bear a child; men do not have to leave their family and stay with the spouse’s family. I forgot one more…

I got annoyed with myself today. Forget about nirvana. I can’t even be normal. I was getting mad at someone and I realize that it wasn’t his fault, but just that I get agitated. So, that realization helps. Thinking of what LP said, I just need to put myself in the position of a spectator rather than a player. Just wait and see how long she can stay moody…

I feel like going to Baan Aree for many days now. I haven’t been there since I got back to Thailand so I went. I was taught how to type in Braille, so I helped them typing a Dhamma book in Braille a bit. It’s painstakingly slow. I’ve got like 60 words over an hour. I absolutely hate the words with many vowels like เที่ยง because I wasn’t sure which orders to type. But typing in Braille is very meditative. I forget whatever is on my mind because I have to make sure that I’ve got all the dots correct. And I got to type while listening to LP Pramote that Baan Aree has put on air. When I retire, I’d come here to volunteer.
