What I heard that I liked

Last Thursday I went to Baan Aree to listen to a dhamma talk by a monk from วัดชลประทานรังสฤษฎ์.  I'd never heard his name but it didn't matter as I enjoy listening to dhamma talks anyway.

Baan Aree is my long lost friend who has undergone a major face lift.  The entrance door was moved.  Some food stalls were converted into a bookstore.  The interior of the library was repainted, and the floor was refurbished.  The place appeared more quiet than what I was used to before the breakup...

Anyhow, I figured that I should share what I heard that day.
  • If the five precepts (abstain from physically harming, stealing, trespassing others' loved ones, wrongfully speaking, or taking alcohol/drugs) are summarized into one rule, it would be "to love others as thyself."  By Buddhadasa (ท่านพุทธทาสฯ).
  • To shorten the eight precepts to one, it would be "to omit the excess" (namely, food after noon, makeup or perfume, and sleeping on a mattress).  By Buddhadasa.
  • Dhamma that protects the world: หิริ (moral shame; conscience) and โอตตัปปะ (moral dread; fear-to-err).
  • Dhamma that makes one beautiful: ขันติ (tolerance) and โสรัจจะ (graciousness).
  • Dhamma that is highly beneficial (มีอุปการะมาก): สติ (mindfulness) and สัมปชัญญะ (clear comprehension; discrimination).
  • ท่านปัญญานันทภิกขุ: Ask ourselves frequently whether we have performed our duty as a human being.
And I never thought of the Thai word for "justice" this way before: ยุติ+ธรรม?  Like dhamma that stops arguments?
