As if Khun Dungtrin knew that I would get a test, he warned me to watch out for my ego last Monday. On this past Thursday, I got an email from my sister. Had it been my previous self one month ago, I would have shot it right back. But, exactly like P'Tul said it, the feeling of my ego being bruised made me feel tense in the chest. I was pissed, of course, initially. As I was aware of my feeling, I responded what an adult is expected to respond though I was boiling inside.
It took me many days for my anger which kept resurfacing to fade. I sort of surrendered, in a way, as there was nothing I could do to get rid of my annoyance. I couldn't fire back at my sis because I knew it wouldn't get anywhere. I couldn't order my frustration to go away either. So I just waited.
I love what Ajarn Brahmavamso (trained under Luang Por Cha and shown above) said. Nice people do not really teach us much, but difficult ones do. When he first came to Thailand (from the UK), he was really bothered by mosquitoes. LP Cha told his disciples to call them Ajarn (Teacher) Mosquito. Nowadays, in addition to listening to LP Pramote, I also listen to Ajarn Brahm. His jokes are very funny.
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